Riding the Circle



on passing on


for Wanda, Imari, Maya, and Ruby


it is a circle this dying

i must remember that

as an incantation-

it is a circle this dying

a circle i must find a balance on


in these very few months

so many gone

precious souls, voices and spirits

who have fed us

wisdom and love and fire

from the center of their beings


and we have wept, and laughed and raged

and celebrated with them


but now another gone

before i have become

steady from the last or

the ones before that


and sometimes i too sigh and

nod in agreement speaking

of a place that can’t be filled

a hole left for ever absent


despite the other truth

that just by looking around

seeking out each other

we can see their living glow

in the good works

that remain as testament

to their transformation

to lights still shining

like distant stars

that for eons after their fires

are extinguished

continue to send out

rays of light


still each loss

digs deeper and deeper

and i must remind myself

that it is circle

every death a part


of an eternal cycle of becoming


all ways



As for the four artists who informed this poem, please seek out more of their work or (re) familiarize yourself with their lights that continue to shine at the following sites which are only a starting point:

Wanda Coleman – An excellent bio and bibliography with links to some poems

Amiri Baraka – Thorough and thoughtful bio. Great bibliography. Poem links.

Maya Angelou – Two poems and a reasonable bio

Ruby Dee – This is the official site for Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee. You’ll enjoy the journey



Writing prompt

Who (or what) have you lost that continues to give your life purpose or light? Write about the light they shine and if you are pulled back write about them as you knew them. Yes there is the loss and the sadness; can you write the gift?

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