Terrorism Defined

terror defineIt has been suggested that the Trump regime wants to limit the counter-terrorism investigations to “Islamic Terrorism” and not worry about domestic terrorism. This being planned in face of the fact that most acts on USA soil have been the result of home-grown American terrorists, mostly white and mostly Christian.  Today there is a growing resistance to Trump but if not Trump, who?  Do people think Pence will be an improvement? Things may be less scary, but will they really be much better with the Republican aristocracy calling the shots instead of the Republicans. It is clear virtually all of the Republican office holders seem to be more interested in power and money than patriotism, but are Democrats so different, or are they simply not the ones in power.  I think with all of the distortions of language, the euphemisms for lying, the evasions of truth, the avoidance of reality, it might be valuable to define our terms while we work towards a common set of goals. With that in mind I offer up a look at the word terrorism.

terrorism defined


i was a child

when i first saw the pictures

black men’s bodies

hanging from trees






the men and women

with their children


nigger cookout

some of them seemed to speak

into the camera lens

the smell of burnt flesh

fresh in their nostrils


i’ve been against terrorism

for a long time



as a teen read pieces of the rise and fall

of the 3rd reich

not much more than a footnote

the points on jewish flesh stretched into lampshades

which, as it happened, echoed the fate of

slave rebellion leader nat turner a hundred years earlier

when his lush hued skin was cut and dried

and then fashioned into a purse and

a never quite translucent lamp shade

displayed in his captor’s home

i’ve been against terrorism

for a long time


stood and marched

as vietnam warriors

would come and go    leaving

chemical forests, massive graves

and skulls presaging

cambodian death trails


one half a million

iraqi children are dead

the first from poisoned water

then more from disease

and starvation

every thirty days

thirty-five hundred young people waste away

as if someone was blowing up

a child-full world trade center

inside of iraq every single month


and now america cries

speaks mournfully of mothers

who could not come home from work

fathers who had houses and dreams

turned to bone ash that got caught in our

phlegm-fill lungs and tear-spilling eyes

and yes we cry

for the loses of all of those

who were loved

who are loved

who are bombed

who were incinerated

who came to rest under hundreds of tons

of concrete and iron

plaster and glass

in barbarous acts

like so many others

that i have lived under

that i have seen grow


terrorism that’s personal

a man dragged behind a truck

until his arm is pulled from socket

his leg torn from hip

his head sawed from neck


terrorism that’s intimate

a woman raped invaded assaulted beaten

bruised broken by men

strangers and lovers

family every two minutes


terrorism that’s official

a night stick pushed up a black man’s anus

as a station full of police turn their heads

ignore the screams

a west african immigrant shot at 42 times

until 19 bullets make him

crumbles in his own  doorway

while trying to show his papers


terrorism that’s global


i have lost my mother my father

my brother my sister my hope

i have lost my family

so i have lost my hope

cries a man who speaks

after the bombing of his

afghani village

as the terrorists advance

boldly waving their flags


america i hear you sing that

liberty is your mother

is it daddy then who rapes

because america

it is you who feeds

this monster its largest meals

you who stokes its hottest fires



you are not alone

and no

you were not the first

but now america         you

set the standard


look at the people you have killed

start anywhere in your history

any day

the first days

this morning

spin a globe in your hand

and look where your armies live

look where they draw weapons

look where their armaments are used


but as for this american-born woman

grown strong and free inside

your rotting belly


terrorism has been a regular part of my world

all my life and i have been fighting it

long as i can remember

saying no as loud as i knew how


no pledges needed

no waving flags required

no uniformed allegiance

recited with bandaged mouths

necks gripped

until one can barely breathe


let me state it clearly again and again

i’ve been against terrorism

for a long time


against  terrorism

against all terrorism


against  terrorism

against all terrorism


against  terrorism

against all terrorism  for forever




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